Yesterday (2019)
Free Download and Watch Online 720p/1080p Bluray Full Movie HD
There were three main reasons really in seeing ‘Yesterday’. The alternative world scenario sounded truly fascinating, one of the most fascinating concepts in recent years to me and a refreshing change from the remakes and sequels constantly made today. Like to love a lot of Danny Boyle’s previous films and find him a talented director. This page has yesterday 2019, watch online, yesterday 2019 free download, full movie hd.
The Beatles are not all time favourites but do appreciate him highly, understand their influence in music and like a lot of their songs a lot. While it could have done more with its concept, ‘Yesterday’ turned out to still be entertaining and charming that put me and my sister in an uplifting mood leaving the cinema. Had not had an easy day, or week even, up to seeing the film, so ‘Yesterday’ was a much needed and appreciated antidote. As far as films released in 2019 go, it is neither one of the best or worst in a hit and miss year and somewhere around solid middle if having to rank. Filmxy has Yesterday (2019) Online Full Movie, Yesterday (2019) free download HD Bluray 720p 1080p with English subtitle. Stars: Himesh Patel, Lily James, Sophia Di Martino.
‘Yesterday’ is a slick looking film, not exemplary but never cheap. Lily James looks great and the camera clearly loves her. The music of course is fantastic, it is The Beatles after all, with some of their greatest hits exuberantly performed, making one want to sing along regardless of whether they know all the words or not. “Hey Jude” is one of the most memorable examples. The script balances amusing comedy and never over-sentimental drama without making it too cartoonish or mawkish (well mostly).
Story-wise, ‘Yesterday’ captures the feel-good spirit affectionately and the portrayal of the music industry was fun and didn’t get over the top. The John Lennon bit is a highlight. Boyle has done better and more inspired direction, but still directs at a crisp pace and balances things quite well. The performances are good, a truly charming James coming off best. Himesh Patel has come on a long way since ‘EastEnders’ while Kate McKinnon is riotous in the manager role.
On the other viewpoint, the concept was so fascinating and while it is always engaging the story is predictable and a bit too ordinary. Especially the final third, which is pretty much exactly as one would expect. Ed Sheeran’s “extended cameo” for my tastes was rather puzzling and didn’t seem to gel with everything else.
Posted on: September 19th, 2019
Posted by: shadow