Wrong (2012) 720p & 1080p Bluray Free Download
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This is Wrong (2012) Free Download Page. This page contains Wrong (2012) Free Movie Link, Wrong (2012) Full Movie Online, Wrong (2012) Watch Online HD, Wrong (2012) Full Movie Free Download in HD, Wrong (2012) Movie Download Google Drive. You can free download Wrong (2012) by direct link Or Watch Online for Free. Enjoy Wrong (2012) HD Movie Free Download.
User 1 Review:
This film was never released in the US, but made about $6 million overseas. That's a shame, because it's a pretty good horror flick with a great father-son duo played by Brian Cox and Emile Hirsch, who work together as a very likable pair of coroners. There's nothing bad about them, so when the mysterious body of a young woman arrives for examination, and hell breaks loose, you really root for them. The autopsy details are relentless, and the model work is amazing, so this is quite a stomach-turner before anything weird even begins. As the mystery is revealed, the plot becomes more conventional, but it remains pretty smart. 4/5
User 2 Review:
It was beautiful, which was not always a good thing, but soulless, and repulsively misogynistic. At times, it seemed like the film was commenting on its own soullessness and misogyny--Edward was a pathetic, whiny, emotionally abusive character who thought that his controlling nature was acceptable because he was "sensitive" (though also secretly loathed his sensitivity), so of course he wrote a novel about his ex-wife being horribly murdered and thought it was Art--but no, it never drove the point home. Amy Adams gave a great performance, but her character never actually did anything (because the movie was soulless and misogynistic), so however wonderful and understated her acting was, it couldn't save the movie overall. It was disappointing, because there were flashes of self-awareness where the film seemed to be shrieking, "I KNOW THIS IS EMPTY, WORTHLESS AESTHETIC!!!!! THAT'S THE POINT!!!!!" but then there never actually was any point.
User 3 Review:
I give a high rating to this movie because the story is consistent, it's shaped in an original way, and the circle closes down very well at the end. However, it feels a bit too slow paced at some points, which sometimes makes it feel slightly languid in either the drama or thriller genres, especially towards the middle part of the movie. By the way, Michael Shannon's acting is very good. I would say this movie is worth watching if drama/thriller are your favourite genres, if you feel comfortable with slow paced movies, or if you like Tom Ford's movies' style.
Posted on: December 26th, 2016
Posted by: aragon