What We Do in the Shadows (2014)
Free Download and Watch Online 720p/1080p Bluray Full Movie HD
Stars : Jemaine Clement, Taika Waititi, Cori Gonzalez-Macuer
Country : New Zealand
User 1 Review:
To be a vampire is to suffer, and this movie goes over the more mundane aspects of that suffering. There were plenty of laugh-out-loud moments in this mockumentary, but I think I laughed the hardest when new vampire Nick faces the consequences of eating his once favorite food, chips: he unleashes a torrent of blood vomited from who-knows-where, and then comments that it now is terrible to be a vampire.And it *is* terrible, and the laughs at the expense of these bloodsuckers are worth every minute. What could have been a one-joke "Vampires: they're just like US!" style of storytelling, becomes special with the (mostly) stoic performances of the entire cast.
User 2 Review:
Showcasing incredibly intelligent humor, this perfectly cast documentary style comedy is likely to be one of my top 'desert island' movies and will stand the test of time. The replay value is insane as it's fast paced comedic timing is on point and there is always something new to find and laugh about. The attention to detail is amazing. The characters are endearing and relatable while retaining a sense of whimsy AND dead-pan humor. I've watched it many times and I laugh so much every time still. This movie is full of quotable moments and phrases. I'm still awaiting with excitement the rumored follow-up film We Are Wolves! Please let this happen! ...Now I must return to my dark bidding on the internet and eat my besghetti.
User 3 Review:
Great fantastic phenomenal funny interesting movie starring the guy who directed Thor fragglerock and the guy from flight of the concords. Man, this movie is perfect to watch with friends on a Friday night or Saturday night. The story is very interesting, on paper it looks simple but how it's executed is phenomenal. The only reason I'm giving this movie 4 and a half stars is because I wanted this movie to be 2 hours or at least an hour and 45 minutes. And yeah I know what your saying, that's a dumb thing to criticize but that's how I review movies. I already know that they're making a tv show of this on fx and I can't wait for it.
Posted on: June 10th, 2020
Posted by: king