User 1 Review:
Conceptually the best in the series. In fact, in the first 40 minutes, it was probably mor actual story than any Michael Bay film. However, that notion was quickly discarded in favor of 2+ more hours of mostly - unnecessary action that inflated this film at least an hour beyond its usefulness. The effects are, as always in a Michael Bay film, extraordinary. However, the gratuitous use of bad language in what I see as a kids film (and if you don't agree, you weren't in the theater I was where more than half of the patrons were under 5. That's right...5) as well as the continued over use of teen sex appeal and the horrid dialogue these "actors" has to spout, ruined the film. The only saving grace is that it appeared to actually set up a sequel this time, one that led Prime into outer space. Maybe the next Transformers can be directed by someone who knows how to do a Sci Fi film and we won't need the silly retread human actors in it.
User 2 Review:
the fourth 'transformers' installment has to be, creatively, the trashiest, most unimaginative and dullest of the lot so far. the middle-aged wahlberg lacks the charisma of shia labeouf, and a shoddy, decaying hong kong was evidently a poor choice of location. the script contains semi-sympathetic moments, but it is all too brief to breathe life into an inexorably deteriorating series.
User 3 Review:
For some reason, I convinced myself to go see this film. I do not know what I was expecting, but what I got was something terrible. Even with such actors as Mark Wahlberg and Stanley Tucci, this film was so badly written that the shallow characterizations could not be saved. To add insult to injury, this movie's trash gets to smell worse over an unnecessarily long run time. Michael Bay has established himself as a mediocre filmmaker that can make money. That is really all he is good for. Between the poorly structured story, distasteful humor, shameless product placement, etc., I could not wait to leave the theater at the end.
Posted on: September 20th, 2014
Posted by: filmxy