Torn: A Wicked Trilogy (2022)
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Well, I have to admit that I never read any of these books nor have seen any of the films until this one. That said, it’s not complicated and easy to figure out what’s going on.The only problem is that it’s got the wherewithall of a made-for-tv Lifetime movie. That is to say, it’s exactly on par with an episode of a daytime soap opera. The acting is about at that level as well. The story is the weakest part. If this follows the books closely, as one other reviewer claims, then the book(s) are probably worse than the cheesey romance novels your grandmother read; it’s really that bad. Plus, I’m being generous.
Stars : Kevin Joy, Liam Hall, Anna Maiche, Kevin Joy, Liam Hall, Anna Maiche
Genre : Romance
Country : United States
Posted on: November 3rd, 2022
Posted by: shadow