Tomb Raider (2018)
Free Download and Watch Online 720p/1080p Bluray Full Movie HD
I don’t even remember most of what happened in this full movie. I forgot it even came out in 2018. It’s that forgettable. As far as video game adaptations go, this is fine. One of the better video game movies ever made, actually, but that’s not saying very much. I’d say just skip this one and stick with the games and the Angelina Jolie movies. They are technically worse movies to watch specially online, but they are more fun and memorable.
Basically in this movie we replaced James Bond with Channing Tatum, or you can say we replaced Indiana Jones with brad Pitt and changed his backstory from Academic to gangster from new york. Just stop trying to destroy Tomb Raider, please. Lara Croft is a character that needs an actress with confident charisma, and pride. Not whiney, sad, angsty baby faced princesses. In short Great movie a female character that actually shows character development. Free download this movie from filmxy.
Posted on: March 17th, 2018
Posted by: shadow