Thunder and the House of Magic (2013)
Free Download and Watch Online 720p/1080p Bluray Full Movie HD
Thunder, an abandoned young cat seeking shelter from a storm, stumbles into the strangest house imaginable, owned by an old magician and inhabited by a dazzling array of automatons and gizmos.
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This is Thunder and the House of Magic (2014) Free Download Page. This page contains Thunder and the House of Magic (2014) Free Movie Link, Thunder and the House of Magic (2014) Full Movie Online, Thunder and the House of Magic (2014) Watch Online HD, Thunder and the House of Magic (2014) Full Movie Free Download in HD, Thunder and the House of Magic (2014) Movie Download Google Drive. You can free download Thunder and the House of Magic (2014) by direct link Or Watch Online for Free. Enjoy Thunder and the House of Magic (2014) HD Movie Free Download.
User 1 Review:
This is such a darling animation to see. It ranks up there with the animation movies as in UP, Finding Nemo and Toy Story in my book. Not sure why I never heard of it in an advertisement. Had it not been for my daughter and grandson watching this I would have missed out on this gem.
User 2 Review:
It feels like a cross between Toy Story and Home Alone, resulting in a charming and brilliant animation that is delightful to watch. The traditional plot and cute lead add to the charm, although I think if the animals could only convey through action and not voice, it would have been better.
User 3 Review:
Aito's first visit to the movie theatre (aged 4 1/2) was not a complete success. He's always shown a concern about characters in trouble and, in this film, there is a lot of danger. Mostly this is slapstick-style crashing into things (with the "camera" almost riding a roller coaster) but this happens both to the good characters (the cat, Thunder) and to the "bad" characters (the nephew trying to sell the house out from under the kindly old magician and the many people who come to view the house or who are hired to remove the magician's stuff while he is in the hospital). Of course, though, no one really gets hurt and the bad guy is mostly vanquished by his cat allergy. Perhaps the plot was just slightly too complicated for a four-year-old. However, I enjoyed this Belgian film (with American voice-work) insomuch as I like any children's film - not cloying or condescending and at times even magical.
Posted on: November 19th, 2014
Posted by: king