
The Road Within (2014) 720p & 1080p Bluray Free Download

Comedy, Drama
720p I 1080p
1280x688 I 1920x1040
760 MB I 1.45 GB
1h 40min
23.98 fps


The Road Within is about Vincent, a young man suffering from Tourette Syndrome. His mother dies so his estranged father, Robert, is forced to step in. However, Robert's running for political office and doesn't want his son on the campaign trail - so Robert puts Vincent in a clinic that's run by the unconventional Dr. Mia Rose. Once there, Vincent falls in love with an anorexic woman named Marie. Together, they steal Dr. Rose's car, and end up to kidnap his OCD roommate, Alex, when he threatens to tell on them. With Robert and Dr. Rose in hot pursuit, Vincent, Marie and Alex go on a life changing road trip to deliver the ashes of his mother to the oceanShow more >

Posted on: July 21st, 2015

Posted by: king

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