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This is The Hunger Games (2012) Free Download Page. This page contains The Hunger Games (2012) Free Movie Link, The Hunger Games (2012) Full Movie Online, The Hunger Games (2012) Watch Online HD, The Hunger Games (2012) Full Movie Free Download in HD, The Hunger Games (2012) Movie Download Google Drive. You can free download The Hunger Games (2012) by direct link Or Watch Online for Free. Enjoy The Hunger Games (2012) HD Movie Free Download.
User 1 Review:
A thrilling, emotional, and suspense-filled adventure. Director Ross brings an expert hand to the material and captures the grittiness of the world. He also effectively captures the social commentary of the story, which brings a level of intelligence to the movie. He also gets strong performances from his cast, including a great lead performance from Lawrence, who anchors the movie with a tough vulnerability. There is also a terriffic supporting performance from Harrelson, whon steals every scene he is in. Overall, Ross and his team have created a movie with danger, heartfelt drama, and exciting suspense. One of the standout movies of the year, so far.
User 2 Review:
over-hyped and nothing much special aside from lawrence's performance. takes too long to get to the actual games and is full of plotholes. the game itself is not as interesting as i thought it would be. the shaky-cam is a cheap way of immersing yourself in the movie and it doesn't work. the supporting casts' acting is mediocre and it's an incredibly flawed and not-very-well-thought-out view of the future. not nearly as smart as it thinks it is. the directing is average.
User 3 Review:
My sister had read the books and got me to go see it with her and I'm honestly glad she did. Gary Ross delivers an experience that doesn't hold back on the raw, gut-wrenching story that is The Hunger Games. After reading the source material later I was impressed how true he stayed to the source material which played to his favor. Not only that, but the cinematography and sound editing/mixing provided a shaky first-person camera feel that gives it the reality tv show aesthetic that it's supposed to have. I'd be remiss if I forget to give a nod to the performances of Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Woody Harrelson and Stanley Tucci who brought this experience to the next level. Overall, a worthwhile watch and you should definitely read the books if you get the chance.
Posted on: November 7th, 2014
Posted by: king