The First Time (1969)
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I saw this movie way back in the seventies when I was young and impressionable.To date and to my misfortune(and perpetual disappointment),the one and only time that I’v ever seen it.I remember of course the delicious Jaqueline Bissett cast as the”older woman”who’s beautiful, sensual and tender character,graced the movie. This page has the first time 1969, watch online, the first time 1969 free download, full movie hd.
The only other actor that I recall was of the curiously named Mr Wes Stern who played the leading male roll.I recall the movie had a nice feel to it.Basically the story revolves around three teenage guys who set out for the big city on a voyage of sexual discovery and through a delightful series of fumbles,faux pas and double entendres’,the whole film unfolds nicely culminating in the bittersweet crossing from adolescent to manhood for one young man. In my humble opinion,it should be required viewing for every young adolescent heterosexual male. Filmxy has The First Time (1969) Online Full Movie, The First Time (1969) free download HD Bluray 720p 1080p with English subtitle. Stars: Jacqueline Bisset, Wes Stern, Rickey Kelman.
This is your basic story of three young men who are trying to get laid and meet an older woman. We’ve seen it before and this offers nothing new. A young man named Kenny (Wes Stern) writes his friends from Buffalo that he goes to a whorehouse at Niagara Falls and then one day Mike (Ricky Kelman) and Tommy (Wink Roberts) show up and expect to be shown the whorehouse named “Rosies”. They make it to Niagara Falls and in a bar they meet Anna (Jacqueline Bisset) who asks them to help her cross the border.
They get back to Buffalo and head to their hotel room where they expect sex that Anna is not expecting. The lead actor is Wes Stern whom I remember as Lenny on the show “Rhoda” and the studio’s really tried to make him more popular but it never happened. He was such an unmasculine and nerdy guy which made him perfect for the role in this film. Stern was not a bad actor and he actually has some good moments in the film. Bisset also has her moments and she actually seemed to play the same role years later in the comedy “Homework” if you remember that one. Nice location shooting of Niagara Falls that make this a nice film to look at. Not a bad film but awfully predictable and familiar.
Posted on: July 9th, 2020
Posted by: shadow