The Exception (2016)
Free Download and Watch Online 720p/1080p Bluray Full Movie HD
Stars : Lily James, Jai Courtney, Christopher Plummer, Lily James, Jai Courtney, Christopher Plummer
Genre : Drama
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User 1 Review:
I didn't really like the revenge story and the first part was way better and had a good story but the second on is a brutally really also a copyright of a lot films which do royal and romance stuff so this wouldn't we so great. The second one also isn' to good because there is was too much drama because there is not point of having that much drama when just crossing a bridge at the very end. The characters acted very well but the movie and storyline weren't to great. Also, They were to un realistic things because on one of the acts he was punched by metal and it seemed like he did't get a scratch. He was supposed to die of the arrow because it him strait though the chest too unreal and smashing a marble stone what is that, that is like impossible.
User 2 Review:
It's not great story telling, nor great acting, nor great camera works. However it is good. It's a typical Indian masala movie done to a grandeur scale. There is nothing more than that. The CGI and VFX are a first for this scale and will make other movies follow the path. What Avatar was for Hollywood, Bahubali is for masala entertainment movies in Indian cinema. Avatar was good when released, but today it doesn't command 10% of the initial respect. The same is for Bahubali.It is a spectacle, and spectacles remain one till a new or bigger one comes along.
User 3 Review:
Sundown is your textbook low budget comedy where two people who would never be friends in real life travel to one of the only parts of Mexico not controlled by El Chapo in hopes of having one awesome night as buds before the main character follows his dreams to become an EDM DJ...These characters aren't bad but if they were real you have the feeling that they would be on CNN with the headline 'Dumb Americans Murdered In Mexico...Donald Trump Says the Wall Just Got 10 feet higher'. If you accept this movie for what it is you can have a decent time with this but it isn't something you need to run out and see. This movie is better suited for watching on Netflix while you are trying to kill time for something better to come on.
Posted on: May 31st, 2017
Posted by: shadow