The Enforcer (2022)
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Nothing wrong with the plot being that common, if it is done right.It gets 4 stars, because i watched from start to end, but I felt like giving up constantly.. Its far too slow paced and isnt really that engaging.Yo could skip the first 70 minutes and you’ll get all the action, and enough story to undesrstand what was all about. It could have been a short film (~25 min) and acomplished the same, and more.Banderas did a good job, but the rest of the cast was just mediocre. The dialogue was dull and felt forced most of the time.For me at least, felt like a waste of time and most likely i will just forget about it pretty soon.
Stars : Antonio Banderas, Mojean Aria, Kate Bosworth, Antonio Banderas, Mojean Aria, Kate Bosworth
Country : United States
Posted on: October 31st, 2022
Posted by: shadow