The Contender (2000)
Free Download and Watch Online 720p/1080p Web-DL Full Movie HD
A political thriller about Laine Hanson, a Senator who is nominated to become Vice President following the death of the previous office holder. During the confirmation process, Laine is the victim of a vicious attack on her personal life in which stories of sexual deviancy are spread. She is torn as to whether she should fight back, or stick to her high principles and refuse to comment on the allegations. With that out of the way,it seems like the real purpose of this movie was to take a cheap shot at Republicans in general,and conservatives in particular. The Dims are saints,and the Republicans are evil. This page has the contender 2000, watch online, the contender 2000 free download, full movie hd.
This message couldn’t be clearer than when Joan Allen gave her little speech about “I’m for a woman’s choice,I’m for the government taking the guns out every house in the country”,etc,etc,etc.,and the speech she made about leaving the Republican Party because it had shifted away from the values that formed this country. That had nothing to do with movie making,and everything to do with political propaganda. Stalin couldn’t have came up with a more left-wing rant. Filmxy has The Contender (2000) Online Full Movie, The Contender (2000) free download HD Bluray 720p 1080p with English subtitle. Stars: Joan Allen, Gary Oldman, Jeff Bridges.
After all,how can you take a movie seriously when it shows a vice- presidential candidate giving a speech to a committee that states she wants to see every gun in the country confiscated by the government? We are supposed to believe the voters would take a direct assault on the Bill of Rights so casually they would elect someone who said that? It’s a damn shame the director and writers of this movie decided it was more important to make a propaganda film than a movie for entertainment. A political thriller about Laine Hanson, a Senator who is nominated to become Vice President following the death of the previous office holder. During the confirmation process, Laine is the victim of a vicious attack on her personal life in which stories of sexual deviancy are spread. She is torn as to whether she should fight back, or stick to her high principles and refuse to comment on the allegations. With that out of the way,it seems like the real purpose of this movie was to take a cheap shot at Republicans in general,and conservatives in particular. The Dims are saints,and the Republicans are evil. This message couldn’t be clearer than when Joan Allen gave her little speech about “I’m for a woman’s choice,I’m for the government taking the guns out every house in the country”,etc,etc,etc.,and the speech she made about leaving the Republican Party because it had shifted away from the values that formed this country. That had nothing to do with movie making,and everything to do with political propaganda. Stalin couldn’t have came up with a more left-wing rant.
Posted on: June 27th, 2020
Posted by: Bad Boy