User 1 Review:
This movie is about Patrick Swayze's half-retarded brother and that guy from Lois and Clark. They look sad or scared for a bit and then a glass breaks or an owl hoots and something screams quietly. My favorite part was when i turned it off 20 minutes in. My least favorite part was the 19 minutes leading up to the 20th minute where i turned it off.
User 2 Review:
The acting is lame.The story is predictable.Only "surprise" is maybe the detective;s wife background. Very few scenes were okay due to the effects.I honestly had to hold myself a couple of times from not fast forwarding.
User 3 Review:
The best part of this film for me is that they used the psycho house for the exteriors of the obligatory creepy house, it was pretty convoluted; the big plot twist didn't make much sense; and the stated explanation on how all these events began was offensive. a couple of creepy moments, but mediocre at best.
Posted on: October 26th, 2014
Posted by: king