The Angry Birds Movie (2016)
Free Download and Watch Online 720p/1080p Bluray Full Movie HD
This full movie should have been nominated for best animation 2016. Super clever, million gags, excellent and funny main characters… Think about it, a screenplay from a phone game, not easy to do. But Sony totally wins the day with this really fun plot. Red and his pals are great new characters, hilarious, fun to watch online, and the script did not miss a single trick or shtick. Cast was scree-min’ funny. Animation totally made me crack up. Please note that this movie has a sequel named The Angry Birds Movie 2 (2019).
Considering i free download this movie, it’s a feature length film based on a simple tower defense game for the phone, itnhas very colorful and creative characters, decently compelling story, is beautifully animated and has enough adult humor to hold an adukts attention span. Naturally it is not a gem forbthe ages, but with what they had to work with they did an amazing job at making a movie that is a lot of fun to watch and has so much more then just launching birds at pigs (naturally this happens at one point which is a proper call back to the games.).
User 1 Review:
The guy would have tied her to a chair. Waited for the husband to get back, then tied him to a chair. Then tortured them both until they gave up the money. Then killed them both. End of film and a much more realistic one. This guy just pops round like a friendly neighbor asking to borrow a cup of sugar, as he smiles and whistles and doesn't seem to miss his $100,000. OK, so he wasn't a gangster, just a guy looking for a buck, but the relaxed attitude he has, he doesn't seem worried or anxious to get the money at all. This really did take the tension away from the plot. Very good female lead and I wanted her to get away with it in the end. The brother was an unlikable character.
User 2 Review:
Morality is easy in the absence of temptation. Some people never steal or cheat on a spouse simply because they wouldn't know how. But what if very suddenly (and accidentally) you fall into possession of a kidnapping or blackmail payoff --- and nobody knows? Lizabeth Scott simply excels in her role here. Her natural ability to come on to a man -- naturally -- sweetly -- using her entire persona but without being obvious, she has more ability to manipulate than most of us could deal with.TOO LATE FOR TEARS has it all: Murder, treachery, backstabbing, double-crossing, booze drinking, poison, and cigarette smoking --- all smoothly kept under control by a strong director and script. See it.
User 3 Review:
"What do I call you besides Stupid?" 60,000 dollars drops into the lap of a somewhat happily married couple and the next thing you know...well, this is noir so of course Lizabeth Scott's house frau ain't all sandwiches and laundry--she's a beast and her slick partnership with Dan Duryea's two-bit thug is all kinds wrongheadedness. The dialogue is whipsmart and the first half crackles with electric intensity, but the involvement of the snarky Don DeFore and sister Kristine Miller bogs the film down a bit and the climax leaves a little to be desired. Still, it's a solid entry in the genre and well worth checking out. VF.
Posted on: July 29th, 2016
Posted by: aragon