Spider-Man: Homecoming Cover

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

Free Download and Watch Online 720p/1080p Bluray Full Movie HD

Not Rated | IMDb 7.4/10 | 2h 13min

Objectively speaking this is one of the best MCU movies to date. A lot of people watched Spider-Man: Homecoming movie online and criticize for not being like the adaptation but regardless if it’s like the comics or not this is a very well made movie. The plot moves from point A to B very smoothly due to it’s simplicity and I never found myself confused or questioning why characters chose to do certain things. Not to mention that our protagonist Peter Parker is a very likable.  


Peter is a the youngest member of the avengers (though he isn’t a fully fledged member of the team yet in the film) and is seen as Tony Starks (Iron Man) protegé and intern. Another common criticism that I’ve heard for this full movie is that Spider-man is always rescued by Iron Man and is never on his own unlike the other movies or even the comics however Spider-man IS on his own throughout the majority of the film. He’s seen as a young and dumb teenager that has a lot to learn about the world so some of the adults don’t take him seriously at times. This leads to Spider-man having to deal with a lot of the conflicts on his own. Tom Holland absolutely nails his character and is the best Spider-man we’ve had yet.  


It also wouldn’t make sense to not have a member of the the avengers in the film because this is the first Spider-man movie set in a cinematic universe filled with other superheroes. It seems to be the formula for the newer Marvel movies to incorporate other heroes alongside our protagonists (Civil war is a great example of this considering how the plot ties in multiple different avengers) Many people criticized Iron Man 3 because it didn’t feel like it was set in the MCU considering how the president was kidnapped and he was the only avenger to show up. Anyway that’s just another reason why this movie excels because the way the the avengers play a role in people’s day to day lives is very clever. The world around them is impacted by what these heroes do and Spider-man Homecoming shows it. From workers cleaning up the mess from the alien invasion in the original avengers to Peters gym teacher showing him a clip of Captain America doing a PSA speech about puberty. Lastly, Michael Keaton also killed his role as Vulture and I know that this is subjective but the film is absolutely hilarious. Now please don’t forget to download Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame where you will see spider man again. And you can also download spiderman: far from home which is direct sequel of this movie.

Stars : Tom Holland, Michael Keaton, Robert Downey Jr.

Genre : Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi

Country : USA

Posted on: October 4th, 2017

Posted by: aragon

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