User 1 Review:
It's great seeing Michael Pitt in something again after Boardwalk Empire and his Jimmy Durmondy was easily one of the best characters on that show. I was too young in the early '90s to pay much attention to the Gotti trial so I do not recall the events of this movie happening but it's pretty crazy (and pretty stupid) to fuck with the mob. Good cast here and a lot of familiar faces from previous mob movies. Not bad. And actually kind of funny at times.
User 2 Review:
This is an interesting, funny and entertaining movie. I almost wish it were not a true story because I would have enjoyed it more if the focus had been on Nina Arianda's character. She is a great actor and I was far more interested at watching her than the other players or even the plot itself.
User 3 Review:
I like Michael Pitt, he always makes interesting and different movies and was great on "Boardwalk Empire" but Nina Arianda is the best thing about this movie easily, other than that not much else is going on with it for me. The plot wasn't engrossing, their is some humor in it but buying who they cast as mobsters, especially Andy Garcia as the boss I just didn't buy, even if some were meant to be low level dim witted soldiers. They crow barred in so many cliche lines at one point my I was woozy from rolling my eyes. Just didn't do it for me.
Posted on: August 31st, 2014
Posted by: filmxy