Prometheus (2012) 720p & 1080p Bluray Free Download
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This is Prometheus (2012) Free Download Page. This page contains Prometheus (2012) Free Movie Link, Prometheus (2012) Full Movie Online, Prometheus (2012) Watch Online HD, Prometheus (2012) Full Movie Free Download in HD, Prometheus (2012) Movie Download Google Drive. You can free download Prometheus (2012) by direct link Or Watch Online for Free. Enjoy Prometheus (2012) HD Movie Free Download.
User 1 Review:
So I had a little trouble following what was going on at times, and I'm not sure if it was me being dense or weak story-telling. After reading a synopsis post-viewing, the movie actually is reasonably sound - although a lot depends on 100% buy-in of something the Idris Elba character says which is complete speculation. There were some other problems. Some of the characters did some inarguably and distractingly stupid things at times. Also, I think I would have appreciated it more if I was more up on the Alien movies. I find it hard to rate but I have to come up with something. 5.3 out of 10
User 2 Review:
Ridley Scott returns to the Alien franchise in this prequel to the original classic. After the previous non-canon misfires (two disgraceful sequels, two even worse crossover films), this entry returns to its cosmic horror roots with surprisingly successful results. The final product is a film that subverts expectations set by the original, bravely leaving the franchise name behind to stand on its own as a commendable sci-fi thriller that asks difficult questions while also fleshing out the tantalizingly minimalist lore of the original. Despite this, it ultimately keeps things mysterious and ambiguous, as it should. This film may be polarizing to some, and while a little does bog the film down, many viewers will realize and appreciate that it comes from the exact same brilliance that spawned the original film and takes a daringly different path.
User 3 Review:
Not all of the logic makes sense, and a number of the characters behave in almost ridiculously improbably ways. The movie also lacks the claustrophobic intensity of the original. That being said, this film leans more into the science fiction camp that the horror camp. There certainly is horror in the film--a scene involving a self-caesarian in particular is blood curdling--but Prometheus is more interested in the questions about our existence and our place in the universe and the ethics of creation than it is in scaring anyone or in clearly explaining its mythology. Like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Ridley Scott is here interested in what it means to be responsible for the existence of something and what it means to be a good or a bad creator. As a prequel it is perhaps unsatisfying, but when taken as a singular entity I find this movie really interesting and enjoyable.
Posted on: January 30th, 2015
Posted by: king