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This is Pipe Dream (2015) Free Download Page. This page contains Pipe Dream (2015) Free Movie Link, Pipe Dream (2015) Full Movie Online, Pipe Dream (2015) Watch Online HD, Pipe Dream (2015) Full Movie Free Download in HD, Pipe Dream (2015) Movie Download Google Drive. You can free download Pipe Dream (2015) by direct link Or Watch Online for Free. Enjoy Pipe Dream (2015) HD Movie Free Download.
User 1 Review:
Watched this as a campy trashy t&a gorror film for bowling theme night. The script and directing are abysmal. The technical work would be passable if this was 1980 and shot on home video cameras. But for a full theatrical film, it just makes you pity how behind the times Canada must be. The acting couldn't be worse if strippers were attempting Shakespeare. Everyone in the film plays like their only intention is to show their tits (or equally fake penis) and then get killed. There aren't even enough clever bowling puns used for the killings. You'd have to be very high to enjoy this film. At least twice as high as the people who made it must have been to put this shit out!
User 2 Review:
Lame attempt at creative grindhouse schlock. How lame is it? A brutal rape scene is almost comical. How the hell do you turn a violent attack like that and make light of it? Even in a comedy, it's a line you don't cross. It's like a 9/11 window-washing joke or something horribly offensive. If you are really bored one night, are out of Doritos and beer and your girlfriend/boyfriend just dumped you, then watch this film. Then after you watch it maybe you'll be motivated to go buy beer and Doritos or find a new boyfriend/girlfriend rather than watch this POS on a Friday night.
User 3 Review:
Tut Tut Tut such negitive reviews. Im guessing you ALL missed the point of this film and that its a parody of those 80's slasher films. A lady get brutaly raped and her friends and foes are killed one by one in a sexualy graphic manner during one bolwing night. The acting I admit is over the top and fuck is said 512 times thouout the whole film setting a record but the kills are impressive and also sexual in nature. One death involving a trannie is as sick as they come and will have any man holding his privates protectly as its THAT sick and yes worse then Cannibal holocaust
User 4 Review:
Hahah possibly the worst slasher horror movie ever made. I honestly thought it was from the 80's the noticed it was from 2008. Talk about a throwback to the good ol' days of horror.The soundtrack is great. The killer is so ridiculous and the only things worse is the acting and dialog. So truly awful, but so much great fun because of its sheer audacity.It is like a comedy version of I Spit On Your Grave. Tasteless and totally moronic.I love the one scene though where two of the characters need to make a run for it and escape the lunacy of finding a dead severed head in the ball return, and he finishes his beer first. Pure genius.