No Mercy (2010)
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Stars : Kyung-gu Sol, Seung-bum Ryoo, Hye-jin Han
Genre : Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Country : South Korea
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User 1 Review:
"No Mercy" is a very scarring movie... It's a Korean crime drama (without any romantic element whatsoever). Nonetheless, it's still a quintessentially Korean movie. A lot of thrill and suspense, but at the end, it's all about feeling the pain in the heart. Once the movie ends, viewers are guaranteed to be left with an empty hole...a gaping feeling that lingers for hours.
User 2 Review:
The Chaser, I Saw The Devil, Oldboy, Memory of Murder, Mother, etc. Korean cinema has gotten very good with this whole suspense/thriller/crime genre. The acting, the direction, plot and story telling are all of excellence. You'll certainly be reminded of Se7en as many has pointed out but this is not to say it lacks originality. It can totally stand solidly on its own due to the aforementioned elements. The ending totally makes this film and it stays with you and it makes you think. Life is not fair but sometimes it deals a dire hand and though you play your best with the cards you were dealt, things just don't work out. You have to make tough decisions but in some circumstances what justifies right or wrong, bad or good is beyond the realm of mere morality and justice. It's all about perspective sometimes. A good film.
User 3 Review:
In this crazy revenge thriller, a woman is found dismembered by the police. They have a suspect, who confesses to the crime. But the suspect reveals to professor/pathologist Kang Min-ho that he has kidnapped his daughter, and must tamper with evidence and do everything in his power to get him off or she dies. What follows is a twisty thriller with a less than stellar finale.The movie sometimes feels like it tries too hard to be suspenseful. Take for instance, Kang is trying to find the murder weapon before police, and stabs his back into the longest nail in existence. That thing would have punctured a lung, but he's fine. The music was also overbearing and intrusive, and things would be a lot simpler if Kang simply told the police what happened to his daughter.
Posted on: October 9th, 2014
Posted by: king