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This is Nightcrawler (2014) Free Download Page. This page contains Nightcrawler (2014) Free Movie Link, Nightcrawler (2014) Full Movie Online, Nightcrawler (2014) Watch Online HD, Nightcrawler (2014) Full Movie Free Download in HD, Nightcrawler (2014) Movie Download Google Drive. You can free download Nightcrawler (2014) by direct link Or Watch Online for Free. Enjoy Nightcrawler (2014) HD Movie Free Download.
User 1 Review:
Snobbato dalla stragrande maggioranza di riconoscimenti cinematografici, Jake Gyllenhaal dimostra ancora il suo talento indiscutibile, in questo thriller che gira tutto intorno al suo inquietante personaggio. Oltre alla sua magnifica interpretazione, l'opera in generale funziona sotto ogni punto di vista, dal montaggio alle inquadrature maniacali, dai dialoghi fino alla narrazione essenziale e mirata. Il feeling generale funziona alla perfezione e anche se non lascia un messaggio particolarmente istruttivo ci d? una visione generale di una realtà nuova e originale, che non avevo mai visto in nessun altro film. Resta ancora decisamente troppo sottovalutato, si tratta sicuramente di uno dei migliori film dell'anno.
User 2 Review:
I can't believe how well reviewed this film is. I get that this film is commenting on the corruption of news by way of sensationalism, but there has got to be a more tolerable way of communicating this. Gyllenhaal does an incredible job bringing Bloom to life, but at no point is the character sympathetic or relatable from beginning to end. The only character in the whole movie you care about gets screwed. Why do I care about the subject matter when I don't even want to go on the journey with the main character and I don't want him to succeed. And then it just ends. I don't care about it's point because I didn't enjoy the ride.
User 3 Review:
Nightcrawler is a tense, dark and deeply cynical movie about a man who videotapes roadside accidents and sells them to a local news station- but this is just the gist of it. The film becomes uncomfortable at times and the entire mood is somber and nihilistic. Featuring a fantastic turn by Jake Gyllenhaal who continues to prove he is one of the finest actors of this generation and ably supported by Rene Russo and Riz Ahmed Nightcrawler is too cynical to appeal to mainstream audiences. However, if you want a compelling character study then this Dan Gilroy (his first film as a director) film is a must watch.