Mr. Nobody (2009)
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This is the first time I have felt the need to post a review of a film, but the experience that this movie provided was so unique and profoundly moving that I feel compelled to post something of my thoughts. This page has mr. nobody 2009, watch online, mr. nobody 2009 free download, full movie hd.
I have just finished watching Mr Nobody after knowing nothing about the movie beforehand (perhaps a good thing as I may have avoided it otherwise), but was simply astonished by the originality, cinematography, acting, script, soundtrack and profoundly thought provoking ideas. Filmxy has Mr. Nobody (2009) Online Full Movie, Mr. Nobody (2009) free download HD Bluray 720p 1080p with English subtitle. Stars: Jared Leto, Sarah Polley, Diane Kruger
I realise that this film will not be to everyones taste, certainly I think it will not be fully comprehended by the younger generation as it does require a certain lifetime of experiences to relate, such as birth, love, marriage, children, separation, divorce, death, life changing choices etc.., but nevertheless it does make you deeply consider your own past decisions and future choices, and everyone of all ages will have made and will make these decisions.
The production values are very high and would not look out of place in a ‘hollywood blockbuster’ but it is the mix of cinematography and music mingled with the dramatic scenarios that make it truly memorable.
It is a difficult film to describe as it does not follow a traditional narrative structure, but that is what makes it so unique and truly memorable. An experience that will hopefully stay with you long after you have seen it. It certainly made for a hugely memorable experience for me. Others may differ in opinion, but I don’t think anyone can argue that it is not intelligent, fresh, original and thought provoking.
Well done to all involved in providing something original, intelligent and very entertaining.
User 1 Review:
Great movie, but if you watch the DVD and listen to the "commentary" supposedly about 'the' movie, you will be gravely disappointed as two men talk on and on and on solely about their opinion. The continually references to Brando's "sexiness", by these two old men, became so sickening that I will not be able to view the movie again without mentally hearing their ongoing non-stop rhetoric. I have been ruined. The majic I once had, has now vanished. This one will remain on the shelf. My advice: watch the movie, fall in love with its realness, but whatever you do, DO NOT listen to the "Special Feature" commentary...it'll ruin the beauty of the film.
User 2 Review:
88%Watched this on 20/5/16Really different from an American film of the 50s, On the Waterfront has a plot that is worth remembering, something that is realistic because it deals with the life of the common folk of the time which might still resonate even today. Marlon Brando, Karl Malden and Eva Maria Saint give commendable performances where I feel that Malden gave the best despite a short screen time. The direction, the music are all spot on and the carry the movie forward rather than make it feel artificial like in many noirs. However, I did not enjoy the ending that much, it could have been a bit more realistic than dramatic.
User 3 Review:
I just re-watched ON THE WATERFRONT. It's a masterpiece and beyond. This is one of the greatest films ever made. Marlon Brando gave the greatest performance of his career (sorry GODFATHER fans). Eva Marie Saint was terrific in it and absolutely beautiful, too. Karl Malden was great as the priest. Elia Kazan (who was controversial for informing on fellow Hollywood prodders during the McCarthy Era) did a great job of directing. The famous scene with Brando and Rod Steiger ("I could've been a contender") is a classic because it is so beautifully acted. One of the grittiest and one of the most moving films ever made. It deserved the Oscars it got. If you haven't seen this movie you should!
User 4 Review:
One of my favorite films of all time is Alexander Payne's "Sideways." Payne's ability to tell a story with such humanity is almost unmatched. He is a master of redemption with endings that have such an immense amount of optimism and sweetness that one can't help but tear up. "Nebraska" is a family, but more specifically, a father-and-son movie. Will Forte and Bruce Dern exhibit the fine
Posted on: May 6th, 2020
Posted by: aragon