Milk (2008) cover

Milk (2008) 720p & 1080p Bluray Free Download

Biography, Drama, History
720p | 1080p
1280x692 I 1920x1040
922MB I 1.95GB
2h 8min
23.98 fps


Using flashbacks from a statement recorded late in life and archival footage for atmosphere, this film traces Harvey Milk's career from his 40th birthday to his death. He leaves the closet and New York, opens a camera shop that becomes the salon for San Francisco's growing gay community, and organizes gays' purchasing power to build political alliances. He runs for office with lover Scott Smith as his campaign manager. Victory finally comes on th...e same day Dan White wins in the city's conservative district. The rest of the film sketches Milk's relationship with White and the 1978 fight against a statewide initiative to bar gays and their supporters from public school jobs.Show more >

Posted on: February 17th, 2017

Posted by: aragon

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