Killer Design (2022)
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Terrible- on all fronts. Embarrassingly bad. Poor directing, script, and the acting was perhaps the WORST I’ve ever seen. Who, WHO on earth cast this?Clearly shot on the cheapest of cheap budget, the photography is elementary. The scenes dull. The lighting-without any nuance or skill. Sure, let’s just stick a soft light right in front of the “actor”, who cares how obvious that is.Music, dreadful.Pacing, snore.The entire film was void of any real emotion.How does LMN keep this charade going?The actress playing villain has no idea what she’s doing, and was clearly given no direction.Another laughably bad film from Mr D level.
Stars : Jackée Harry, Sarah Armstrong, Chelsea Gilson, Jackée Harry, Sarah Armstrong, Chelsea Gilson
Genre : Thriller
Posted on: November 28th, 2022
Posted by: shadow