Justice League (2017)
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I’ve been watching Justice League ever since I was a kid. The animated series… oh boy I adore. So what the hell happened here ? Compare to Avengers, Justice League (2017) full movie is not that great, but this was a fairly serviceable way to introduce new characters and watch them online for new story lines to begin as we go forward in the DCEU. The mustache did not bother me as it seems to bother others. From what I could see though, the upper lip CGI was only in the scene at the beginning with the little kids asking him questions about himself and his love of Earth. During his subsequent scenes after being resurrected, it appeared to be all Cavill. Speaking of Cavill, he looked absolutely amazing.
I have always admired the men and women in the MCU and DCEU (also the TV shows) and the efforts they have made to look the parts. As a fan of superhero live action adaptations, I salute the men and women who put themselves and their bodies through absolute hell for our entertainment. Jason Momoa was awesome as Aquaman, the sequence with him sitting on the Lasso of Truth was awe inspiring and showed his range as Arthur. Free download movie in HD from filmxy. Ezra Miller as Flash can grow on me, but I will probably always prefer Grant Gustin from the TV show. Gal Gadot and Ben Affleck stole the show as they showed that they can have good chemistry together on screen. Going forward with out Batfleck might be troublesome but doable in my mind. This movie works in its own world as a part of the DCEU but was a bit rushed by Warner Bros with Avengers: Infinity War right around the corner and the success Marvel was having with their interweaving story lines. Teasing us with a Justice League vs Injustice League sequence of movies may allow us to really flesh out all these characters and also introduce new actors in established roles. A must watch for any DC movie lover.
User 1 Review:
I don't know if it was because of the huge hype build over the movie, or if people are being generous because they want the movie to succeed, but to me it wasn't a good movie.The plot is weak, the actions scenes aren't really good and even though it got good actors, the drama is not deep. On the bright side the soundtrack was good.I don't know if it's because of the (very) tense political moment we find ourselves or if it's because of the overhype, topped with the PC flavour, but the movie doesn't cut. Maybe in a different context it could have been a better movie...
User 2 Review:
Quite a predictable film in terms of both story and character and their development. Action was quite good, though I imagine the overall experience of the film would've been enhanced by viewing at the cinema (I saw it on my laptop). As seems to be the way with comic-book films of recent years, people went mental over this and then I saw it and it just doesn't stand up to the truly great films of our times (I'm thinking LOTR, Mad Max FR etc.) It met my expectations in that it wasn't nearly as entertaining as others found it to be. However, in spite of all that I just listed, it was not a bad film in any sense and was an adequate superhero film.
User 3 Review:
The first ever, never done before, "we never heard of Spawn or Blade", black superhero movie. Pros- Black Panther and Shuri. - Visuals. Cons- The main villain and story are weak. - Martin Freeman was useless. Final ThoughtsAs of this review, Black Panther has a 96%. Which means it's better than: The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, The Matrix, Full Metal Jacket, Saving Private Ryan, The Shining, The Usual Suspects, every single LOTR, every single Indiana Jones, every single Star Wars, every single Star Trek, and even The Lion King. If the cast of the movie was white, it would be 10 points lower on Rotten Tomatoes. I know it, you know it, and they know it.
Posted on: February 20th, 2018
Posted by: king