Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) HD
Free Download and Watch Online 720p/1080p Bluray Full Movie HD
This is a very entertaining Movie With fun Characters Decent Humor and Relatively Nice Effects.My biggest issue is that The movie does very little to reference the fact that it is even related to the memorable first movie like half of the time i Forgot that this was Related To Jumanji and just watched it like that.This movie is full of beautiful CGI and actions. Also they missed out on HUGE opportunity to make fun of common video game tropes and things like that but overall a thumbs up.
Tobe honest i avoided this movie for so long because I didn’t particularly care for the original and this one looked stupid. Now i am watching this movie online because part 2 of Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is coming. Karen Gillian, the Rock, Jack Black, and surprisingly the Jonas were convincing as their characters and made for a charismatic and fun movie. Of course Jack Black stole the show. While the young actors are definitely more inexperienced, the ending was touching Best quote “cake makes me explode” Also the fact that i free download movies from Filmxy.
User 1 Review:
Yup, 5 damn stars. Great production. A wonderful cast that seemed to be uncredited going in. Heartfelt (if you don't get choked up, you may have a future as a modern Republican. Most of all - really funny. Genuinely good-spirited laughs that may share the "county" of corny but not the zip code. The writers showed quite a bit of care in its construction. A special pat on the back to Hugh Grant for literally "acting his age" and quickly becoming a major "leading" character actor (his invention?) at age 59. I had a blast watching Paddington 2 with both my wife and 30 year old daughter! *Yes, I did see Paddington the first. If memory serves P2 represents a big leap forward in quality and direction. Unusual for Hollywood and so, so welcome!Chris TraynorWayne, New Jersey
User 2 Review:
The lovable character, Paddington bear is back for a cash-grabbing sequel that has zero heart put into it, and solely is intentional about making money. I am happy to report, this is not the case with Paddington 2. It's a heartfelt story of a mistaken identity and a crime but still is as heartfelt and lovable as it's predecessor. I thought that they changed the personalities of Judy and her brother Jonathan a little too much as to show how they are growing up, but other than that, I liked the movie quite a bit. Definitly a rare type of sequal.
User 3 Review:
Paddington 2 is one of those hilarious, nonsensical, unrealistic family comedies that is delightful to watch (Mary Poppins comes to mind). It's SO DAMN GOOD, and probably even better than the first one! Paddington is earning money to buy a book for his Aunt Lucy - when the book is stolen, and he is wrongly suspected and arrested! The movie is extremely well done and EXTREMELY FUNNY! I really like how there is practically nothing crude in the movie - unlike many other so-called "children's" movies. Probably one of my favourite movies - and definitely one of my favourite sequels.
User 4 Review:
My daughter and i are big fans of the Flash. So happy to see a Lego movie dedicated to him! My daughter thought the representation of the Flash in this movie was much better than in Justice League. The storyline was fun too. I hope to see more Flash Lego appearances!
Posted on: March 7th, 2018
Posted by: king