Infinity Chamber (2016) WEB-DL Free Download
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User 1 Review:
pretty funny with a decent story. it is a step below from the first movie in basically every aspect (like how you could really feel the hits in the fights in the first one, these fights were forgettable), but it was still enjoyable overall. i wasn't a fan of some of the additions. the new hockey player that gives out candy is really annoying, and is an example of why this movie went over the line into goofy territory. the first movie was really funny without being goofy. i liked the team owner and new antagonist. he was pretty intimidating and looked like a medieval warrior in some of the scenes (1 viewing)
User 2 Review:
What a disappointment - not to mention a waste of time. While the original Goon combined a traditional sports film narrative with a very sweet performance from Seann William Scott and Allison Pill, and a healthy dose of extremely squib-heavy fist fighting violence. This new film moves through the original movie's worth of plot in about the first 40 minutes, meaning none of the story beats has any time to land with impact, therefore making it kind of impossible to care about what happens in the rest of the film. The only things that make it worth watching at all are Liev Schrieber, mainly, and SWS in a strangely diminished role. Not a good film.
User 3 Review:
Like most sequels, "Last of the Enforcers" doesn't pack the same punch as its predecessor. The story, while slightly unique within the sports-comedy genre, just doesn't give the audience enough to hang on and hope for. With most of the cast returning, the addition of Wyatt Russell surprisingly doesn't add much as an antagonist... or detract, I suppose. However, the mentorship between Glatt and Rhea is an excellent pairing; Liev Schreiber is great in his role. Writer/Director Jay Baruchel, who makes his feature directorial debut here, does a serviceable job behind the camera, but never quite captures the pop and flash of the original. Rated 2.75 out of 5. Reviewed 8/16/17.
User 4 Review:
"Goon: Last Of The Enforcers" is a very refreshing sequel to the highly touted "Goon", a light-comedy that pleased hockey fans and Canadians nationwide. This new take on the Goon story features a similar cast, with a few additions, and takes on a completely different story line than the first. And I have to say, this movie hit with a lot of the things it tried to do. For the comedy that you expect, (very rough, crude humour), the jokes got me going, and were very well done. The plot of this movie was fantastic, it wasn't too simple, but it knew that it shouldn't have even tried to go for a deep, sentimental plot, and stayed somewhere in the middle ground, which I found to work very well. The cast in this movie stayed the same for the most part, my favourite still being Seann William Scott (Doug "The Thug" Glatt), pretty much all of his jokes hit, and he made the movie a lot more enjoyable. While I wouldn't say that "Goon: Last Of The Enforcers" was the most hilarious, most glamorous comedy that I've seen, it does well in the category it goes for: a light comedy that anyone can watch and have a good time with. For hockey fans, and fans of the original Goon movie, everybody is going to be satisfied with this sequel, and will be well worth the watch if you're bored.
Posted on: September 30th, 2017
Posted by: aragon