In from the Side (2022)
Free Download and Watch Online 720p/1080p Bluray Full Movie HD
This could have been a great film – unfortunately it was too long and wallowed in its own YouTube style filler music in far too many scenes. The core actors did a reasonable job, but the acting on the periphery was really laboured and felt amateurish – perhaps the script could have been sharper, I would say that this was understandable due to the budget, but most of the production quality was otherwise good.Having watched films like Shank (excellent and from a rocky production crew) and Free Fall, this film is no where near as good. If I had watched it as part of my Prime membership It would not be sooo bad – but as it cost £9.99 to stream it felt a bit steep all considered.There are 10s of better gay movies out there to watch before this one. Unless you have loads of time on your hands perhaps try them first.
Posted on: December 18th, 2022
Posted by: shadow