User 1 Review:
The fact that no many people enjoy this movie baffles me. "But what about the soundtrack man?!" Oh yeah the music is cool but you know where else I can listen to awesome Classic Rock? EVERYWHERE! The plot is trash and the characters are confusing. The best actor in the whole movie is Batista. This is just noise and flashing lights that I have been conned out of $4 to rental this waste of time. As far as I'm concerned, Chris Pratt owes me money.
User 2 Review:
WOW! Outstanding movie and I love every single Guardian! Lee Pace is great as the bad guy and I love how the movie pours into the world and carnage of Thanos and the stones. Aside from Avengers 3 this might be the best MCU movie, fighting with Avengers 1, Civil War, Spiderman Homecoming, and Thor 3. Buy the movie and watch it every few months forever and be better for it.
User 3 Review:
Better than I expected when it was announced two years ago, but not nearly as fantastic as everyone seems to think it is. The good: introduction of the Nova Corps., introduction of the Kree, Ronin the Accuser, Thanos, Rocket, the comedy. The bad: the pacing was slow in spots even though some of the story lines were rushed, the editing seemed patch - work in places and some of the elements were just corny, like the way the whole scene with the Collector was done. Don't get me wrong. I liked the film, and am happy to see it weave into the greater storyline, but I'm genuinely surprised it is getting the level of praise it is getting.
Posted on: November 15th, 2014
Posted by: king