User 1 Review:
Endless Love is cheesy, transparent, and entirely predictable, but in all honesty, I didn't hate it. It keeps your attention, and certainly provides enjoyment for its 90 minute or so run time. The film is a fun time if you're just looking for a calm night of mindless romance. Endless Love is not a game-changer that you will remember for the rest of your life by any means, but it definitely is an enjoyable, albeit clichéd, escape.
User 2 Review:
Boy meets girl,Girl meets boy they fall in love but the girls father doesn't agree with the relationship and stops them seeing each other they are forced apart by a restraining order on the boy and the girl going away to be an intern and following in her fathers footsteps. The boy fights to get her back along the way her father starts to get more n more wound up by the situation eventually realising there is nothing he can do anymore! Eventually realising if he wants to keep his daughter he must accept her boyfriend.
User 3 Review:
Endless Love seemed endless at times, but some things it got right and it made for a fairly enjoyable romance flick. Their was a lot going on in this story that you would swear was written by Nicholas Sparks (but it wasn't). There was more then just the love between the couple but also lots of family drama, parent-kid relationships and other factors that kept it all interesting throughout. The main romance seemed legit and believable and that is crucial in this type of movie. Some of the events that happened were very unbelievable and stupid so that kind of took away from the film a bit. I mean, who breaks into a zoo to go smoke weed and then you can't outrun fat cops. Plenty of romance movie lovers will eat this one up but I like that it brought a little more to the table then just your run of the mill guy loves girl story.
Posted on: September 12th, 2014
Posted by: filmxy