Posted on: January 19th, 2023
Posted by: shadow
Film that i came to stumble over, with, like everyone knows that the grumpy old man hates, english voiceovers, but anyhow well known faces from the norwegian entertainmentindustry, and a schorching hot little dragon with an unbelievable temper…its actually a very nicely produced film, neat music and great cinematography, very glowing visuals that fill you with a warmth of joy, and its surprisingl enough a christmas movie, with plentyful coloured lights and norwegian spruce all over the place, quite reckognisabel if you ask me who decorated seriously every christmas.The story is really about a girl and a dragon, and translated straight forward english the title is”the dragon keeper” that happens to be in the same estranged house in the darkest season of the year…its not a blockbuster, rather a highquality norwegian kids movie, so if your squemish, put some goodwill to your heart. I liked it anyway.
Posted on: January 19th, 2023
Posted by: shadow
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