Doctor Strange (2016)
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Most of Marvel’s origin stories struggle a bit and you can’t blame them for the slowness required to introduce the needed characters. But this one then suffered from an overly quick wrap up with a villain that is not well introduced. Now don’t get me wrong, I did watch Doctor Strange online and this film is visually stunning. The visual effects are beautiful, Tulsa Swinton is such an under appreciated talent and completely gorgeous; Chiwetel Ejiofor is great, although I doubt why he’s so annoyed at the end; Benedict Cumberbatch is good – dry wit, believable.
Also i thought this film had exceptional acting and the plot line was sturdy. It was a great inclusion in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, adding additional aspects to the already developed fictional world. I do feel the main protagonist was different in which the audience was expecting and in the end the main protagonist became too arrogant to be likable at some points. “Doctor Strange” is a likable origin story for a hero and you are able to watch the film over a few times without getting bored. You can free download this movie and Avengers: Infinty War and Avengers: End Game from Filmxy.
Basically the full movie is really good. It has its moments and the visual effects might be the best in the MCU. The cast is great and the story is good enough. But nothing apart from the CGI, is amazing in this movie. It just is a filler movie in the MCU and serves no purpose to the series except for the fact that it has Doctor Strange in it.
User 1 Review:
Watched Mar 01, 2018Matt Kerr's review published on Letterboxd :I'm a sucker for feelsy comedies which have a positive message and faith in the individuals ability to change for the better; I particularly enjoy the idea of these when surrounding the themes of such a grave finality as death. This may not be the funniest nor the deepest comedy I have seen on the subject, however its no doubt a touching movie, and again I am a sucker for those.p.s. Not to be that guy but points off for setting unrealistic expectations of world travel. I refuse to believe that the great wall/Taj Mahal are ever that empty no matter how rich you are, and sitting on the pyramids is very illegal. 7/10
User 2 Review:
Nicholson and Freeman, 2 legends of Hollywood together, this is a tear jerking, heart-warming and very amusing tale of 2 cancer patients who decide to life their lives to the extreme before their upcoming end. Such a moving funny tale of living you life because you never know when it is going to end, and that's a moral I live by. I have no wrong words about this extremely inspirational flick which leads to rethink life. Funny, sweet, charming, emotional and all lead by Jack (the only real Joker) Nicholson and Morgan (best voice in the world) Freeman and that made the film even better. If you love laughing and crying in a film lead my Hollywood legends, watch this it's truly worth a watch,
User 3 Review:
Harmless and deliberately schmaltzy The Bucket List is a "bromance" movie about two dying men who meet in a hospital ward. They draw up list of things to do before they pass away and set off, around the world to discover the meaning of life. It is an easy film to watch and the two stars, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman both play up to their usual type of character with freeman being the dependable family man and Nicholson the womanising Hell-raiser. The fact that they manage to make it watchable and bearable is a testament to their acting skills as plot wise, there really isn't much substance and Rob Reiner tries too hard and too blatantly to pull at the heart-strings to make this movie really memorable.
Posted on: February 26th, 2017
Posted by: king