Cuban Fury (2014)
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Cuban Fury is a movie that I had hopes would be a good comedy and i will enjoy watching. Nick Frost has great comedic timing, and there’s something inherently humorous about a bigger man engaging in something as athletic as salsa dancing. Sadly, they didn’t write any jokes not even free download jokes. I was mystified how flat and bland the full movie felt. I never cracked a smile and I certainly never chuckled. Needless to say, I was disappointed. It doesn’t help that I hate this style of story because it presents a likable protagonist, makes someone treat him terrible, and then expects you to laugh because someone thinks it’s funny to watch him suffer.
I like to call it the “Meet the Parents formula,” and every time I watch one of these movies I am uncomfortable instead of entertained and cannot comprehend why others find it funny. It’s become an entire genre of comedy that seems to be made and marketed by bullies who like to laugh at dumping on the little guy. The plot has a traditional structure that resembles a number of other romantic comedies, but the way the story plays out doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. No one acts like real people act, and the whole thing is in this weird time warp where an actual mix-tape somehow makes sense. I realized just how terribly the script was written and how disjointed everything felt when things came to a head with a random dance battle between the two male leads. For a moment I thought I was watching an SNL sketch, and realized Cuban Fury was completely off the rails. Overall, it’s a boring film that does nothing with a concept that had promise, which is a shame.
User 1 Review:
A nice little film that is chock full of heart (or of course 'el corazón') Nick frost has a geeky charm that means you really can't help but like him whatever he's in. He does well to carry this film as the central character and is helped along by a strong supporting cast. Everyone nails their respective roles, particularly Chris O'Dowd who really is a loathesome creep throughout. It seems weird to see Frost without Pegg as they are so interlinked in our minds (but there is a lovely redeeming shot to make us all feel at ease once again). The dancing and music is fantastic and massive credit to Nick Frost for his skills on the dance floor. My favourite seen by far is a fantastic satrical dance off between frost and O'Dowd to 'win the girl'. This is just brilliant and these two pull it of perfectly.
User 2 Review:
After months and months of seeing this in my Netflix queue, I finally watched it. Not bad! It's by no means perfect. The romance isn't a likely one. But what it has going for it is fun music, great dancing, A cute leading lady for the Love interest, a funny and gay sidekick from the dancing class, and your typical bully that tries to get in your way. It's a British movie which makes the humor a little different but all in all, it's a fun movie just to shut your mind off and watch.
User 3 Review:
Cuban Fury is a great movie that shows that Nick Frost can do comedy fine by himself. Nick Frost is really good, and can salsa dance pretty good. Chris O'Dowd can play a mean and arrogant character pretty well and is pretty funny also. While the plot is decent and all, it has been done before that you can pretty much tell me what is going to happen next. The salsa dancing is pretty entertaining to watch which I can see why people are into that type of dancing. The jokes are funny, and I thought that the writing is fine. Nick Frost and Rashida Jones have good chemistry together and have some good jokes too. While Cuban Fury's plot is predictable, it's Nick Frost, Chris O'Dowd, and Rashida Jones who gave great performances and spot-on timing that gives this movie a success.
Posted on: September 4th, 2014
Posted by: filmxy