User 1 Review:
Never has food looked this delicious on the screen. If you watch this film hungry, you will probably starve, if you watch it full, you'll get hungry again. For a film about a chef trying to fulfill his dream of a food truck, that may be a no-brainer but actually plays a pretty big role here, because it's an important character trait for Favreau's chef. The great cast clearly had fun with his, quite a few dialogs feel improvised and very natural. The film also portrays a pretty realistic use of social media and the times we live in, if you'd wanna see that negatively you could say it's a long Twitter commercial. That'd be cynical, which the film is everything but. A light-hearted, lovable and entertaining feel good movie that makes you wanna eat delicious food and travel the US.
User 2 Review:
Favreau has the demeanor and build to authentically portray a gifted chef who lived to please the palates of others. But he had to juggle his occupational passion with his desire to be a good father to an impressionable 10 year old boy, whom his ex-wife has custody. This feel good movie, with passion for making good food was the film's centerpiece, while the other themes of life as a divorcee and fatherhood and dream chasing fleshed out the rest of the movie. Grateful surely to be in the film were his proteges Marvel stars, Iron-man and Black Widow who are forever indebted to Favreau for their super stardom fame, glory and riches. Even more so for RDJ for his resurrection. One can't help compare "Chef" with the other film, "Burnt", also about a struggling chef, released not too long before. Even though Bradley was definitely more easy on the eyes and seemingly spoke impeccable French, it just didn't have the magic of "Chef". His racoon power singularly was clearly no match to Favreau, Ironman and black widow.
User 3 Review:
This movie is not bad, but it is definitely boring. There is no real climax to the story as well as the entire cast of Iron Man is being recycled. This is a new kind of story that follows a chef trying to do what he wants to do and cook what he wants to cook. But that's the whole movie. Heartwarming and cool to watch with the family, but I wouldn't choose to watch it again.
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Posted on: September 7th, 2014
Posted by: filmxy