Biohazard Patient Zero (2012) 720p & 1080p Bluray Free Download
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This is Biohazard Patient Zero (2012) Free Download Page. This page contains Biohazard Patient Zero (2012) Free Movie Link, Biohazard Patient Zero (2012) Full Movie Online, Biohazard Patient Zero (2012) Watch Online HD, Biohazard Patient Zero (2012) Full Movie Free Download in HD, Biohazard Patient Zero (2012) Movie Download Google Drive. You can free download Biohazard Patient Zero (2012) by direct link Or Watch Online for Free. Enjoy Biohazard Patient Zero (2012) HD Movie Free Download.
User 1 Review:
Here's the thing with this movie. It starts nowhere, and it goes nowhere. And in between things certainly happen but they absolutely do not connect. Think the thing with the model and her bisexual boyfriend is going somewhere? Nope. Think the stakes of the movie matter *at all* to our main character, aside from generally being nice-ish to a completely contrived woman who's vaguely decent to him? Nope. Think Adam Sandler's character will try, AT ALL, to legitimately act? Nope, most the time he doesnt even have to be there. Also, why does he look like such garbage. I know Adam Sandler loves to look like shit, but do we always have to look at him looking like it? I hate this movie.
User 2 Review:
This movie is a joke. It wasn't even half the greatness of the first two movies. Fans of Crows shouldn't watch this. You'll be disappointed as hell. Not even close to the first two movies. The story feels forced and all over the place. The fighting scenes were not as good. The lead actor doesn't feel like a lead and his punches were lame. The other characters were not introduced as nicely as the first two. Shun Oguri and Takayuki Yamada owned Crows! I wish this movie never existed. Not worthy to be part of the Crows franchise. I just wasted two hours of my life. Doesn't deserve even half a star.
User 3 Review:
Let's face it.....it's a continuation that has the longest fight......but it lacks the freshness and whatever it was that made the first one entertaining. Maybe the fact that the school isn't involved, and this free-for-all on the streets is never broken up by the police, takes away what could have been a good story. Question is....will these guys ever grow up? This has more fighting, but it borders on the silly.....shame really. Genji is like Rocky without gloves.....but Rocky was fighting for something worthwhile.....and he won because he had heart. Genji's character has gone flat. And at no time does he show he has heart.
User 4 Review:
I liked this because it is unashamedly ridiculous. Based on a manga, if you love action and fighting in general, boy, is this the movie for you. It's a sequel, but you really don't need to have seen the first one to enjoy this. There are some pointless sub-stories thrown in to break it up from all the fight-sequences because otherwise that's all you'll be watching...and that would be exhausting.
Posted on: April 16th, 2015
Posted by: king