Beautiful Accident (2017)
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A female lawyer had lived a very apathetic career until she had a terrible car accident. She died in the accident but when she reached the afterlife she learned that she came earlier than she was supposed to. That is why now she has to substitute for another person for a week and live an alternate life. Now or an entire week she is stuck with a family that she didn’t want to be a part of. Will this experience change her or not? On the person hand, it’s very easy to see this movie taking its premise of a career woman suddenly being placed in the position of a housewife for a week due to a filing mishap in the afterlife and getting entirely too cute with it, and when it ended, I found myself fairly pleased that it hadn’t. This page has beautiful accident 2017, watch online, beautiful accident 2017 free download, full movie hd.
The flip side of that, though, is that as the movie was playing out, it never quite seemed to manage the clever, weird, or really involving things it might have. It hits a lot of spots that mark a clear path but verges on making them a little too well- considered, and could use a bit of chaos. The lawyer is Lee Yu Ran (Gwei Lun- Mei), who demonstrates her cutthroat nature by intimidating the mother of a teenager who has been attacked her boyfriend. In her mid-thirties and never married, she’s going to Germany to study in a few weeks, something that seems highly unlikely when she a truck smashes into her car. But, as Director Lee (Wang Jingchun) points out when she arrives in the “Terminal of Fate”, she has arrived early, but so has someone else, who has moved on, so if Yu Ran could take her place for a week (they will update the “settings” for everyone else so as not to notice that Yu Ran still has her own name and face), she can get back to her own life. Filmxy has Beautiful Accident (2017) Online Full Movie, Beautiful Accident (2017) free download HD Bluray 720p 1080p with English subtitle. Stars: Lun-Mei Kwei, Jingchun Wang, Na-Na OuYang.
Of course, the folks at the Terminal didn’t mention husband Zhang Tao (Kun Chen) or kids Xing Xing (Nana Ou-yang) and Tian Tian (William Wang Yuan- ye), and that nine-year-old Tian believes aliens have replaced his mother with a clone while she is on a trip to space. Though the filmmakers leave some odd gaps when moving the plot along initially – most everything with the Terminal workers involves them withholding information from Yu Ran so that she’ll seem foolish despite it being in their best interests for her to succeed – they prove pretty fair at using the look of the film to set tone quickly. The bits with Yu Ran’s real life have a nice background detail like her martial- arts workout clothes being perfectly pressed for each obvious thing like her solitary dinner of rare steak and wine after- ward. The afterlife is, of course, a Gilliam-esquire bureaucracy, although not to pointless excess, and the life into which she is inserted is colourful but a bit faded. Director He Weiting and company are careful with their choices without ever pushing them so far that a viewer sees things as unreal. The most important piece of the puzzle is Gwei Lun-Mei. She doesn’t get much of a chance to be at her best in the opening scenes, where her job is to be a callous lawyer stereotype and UN-bothered when someone calls her a callous lawyer stereotype in slightly different words. She does manage to quickly become funnier and more amiable as Yu Ran starts fitting in, aided a great deal by not being asked to flip a switch in her performance – Yu Ran becoming more domestic doesn’t make her any less refined or shark-like, but simply directs those instincts. Being given a whole three-dimensional character to play at that point actually lets Gwei be funnier. She plays well enough opposite young actors Nana Ou-yang and William Wang to sell her transformation, although it takes a little longer to feel proper chemistry with Chen Kun.
Posted on: June 19th, 2020
Posted by: Bad Boy