Arrival (2016)
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The Arrival was an incredible experience. This is a movie that i will definitely free download and it has an opposite premise compared to the other movies from its genre(Independence Day, The War of the Worlds, etc). The Arrival parts from a premise of a friendly first contact between aliens and humans, when humans tries to develop a communication with the Heptapods.
One of the things that I have admired in this movie was its atmosphere, the way the movie makes you feel immersed while you are watching online, the way that the events happen, the way humanity reacts from an alien visit from the movie tries hard to make a realistic scenario and successfully achieves it! Since the scene where Dr. Louise Banks see the news from a television and the first time she sees the alien spaceship. The movie, once again, successfully makes you feel immersed and uncomfortable, it makes you ask to yourself: Who are they? And what do they want? When comes the scene which Louise and Ian are learning how to make contact with them I though that was fair. Although some linguistics affirms that one of their techniques was not one of the best, it felt realistic. More realistic parting from the assumption that the Heptapods had no difficulties in understanding them. One of the things, I can’t consider if it’s a con or not, but the movie struggles to be a realistic movie, from the alien visit to including the political scenario to the movie, but in the movie China and Russia are considered the most important countries of the planet, “each step China takes, other 12 nations will follow”.
And constant references of the Venezuela were made on the full movie. That part actually wrapped my stomach, no country in the planet, even USA does not have this power, I’ve noticed that this part tried hard to make a propaganda for their political view, that didn’t fit well in the movie. Needless to say. One of the things that caught my attention too was the camera angles, the movie began with the camera aiming at the ceiling and slowly pointing the camera to the scenario, the movie began and finished with this camera animation(this camera movement was repeated some times throughout the movie). The Arrival has its pros and flaws, I’ll give it 4/5, the only part of the HD movie I didn’t like was that forced political view propaganda, ignoring that, was a pleasant experience.
User 1 Review:
Merry Christmas is fascinating and touching, but unfortunately too slow. The fact that it's based on a true story really did manage to get my interest. This is not a classic war movie; it's much more than that. It's amazing to see people from different nations interact like we humans are all the same. It also gives a new and nuanced perspective on WW1. We see the war from 3 different angles, the French, Scottish and the Germans. The movie incapacitates our differences and show that we are all living on the same earth, and that we can get along. We only have to talk. I admit that there are some slow and less entertaining scenes in this movie, and I expected much more action. But I still enjoyed it! Merry Christmas (Joyeux Noël in French) gets a 7/10.
User 2 Review:
With the presence of humanity among the participants of the war itself, the inhumanity of higher hierarchies who has contribute nothing to the war is more resentful and idiotic. Indeed, the three countries depicted in the film have nothing to do with the outbreak of the war itself. They are just engulfed because they have to and have long been prepared to. The civilians, like the leading characters here, are really pathetic because of the stupid politicians. Worse still, the stupidity prevailed and caused a bigger human disaster 35 years later. Who else is brave enough to resist, like Diane Kruger? A heartwarming Christmas gift with a bitter ending, in the hope to promote the cliché of world peace. But will there ever be a long-lasting peace?
User 3 Review:
I knew there had to be some Monty Python or Mel Brooks moment in this film and I was right: Towards the end of the film Major General Audebert says "i've been ordered to arrest a cat for treason", A cat portrayed in the film as Felix/Nestor, was actually arrested and shot for espionage after it arrived in French lines wearing a new collar and bearing a note (in french) which read "which regiment are you from?". The general in charge decided just to follow the letter of the law, the cat was shot for spying. So Felix the cat the fluffy little pussy turned out to be a double spy. Joyeux Noel everyone!
Posted on: February 4th, 2017
Posted by: aragon