Hellion (2014) 720p & 1080p Bluray Free Download
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This is Hellion (2014) Free Download Page. This page contains Hellion (2014) Free Movie Link, Hellion (2014) Full Movie Online, Hellion (2014) Watch Online HD, Hellion (2014) Full Movie Free Download in HD, Hellion (2014) Movie Download Google Drive. You can free download Hellion (2014) by direct link Or Watch Online for Free. Enjoy Hellion (2014) HD Movie Free Download.
User 1 Review:
It actually wasn't that bad, granted there were a few silly moments in it, but overall it had an interesting story to tell about a woman, Gwen, who slips into a fugue state after experiencing a traumatic event. Which causes a whole other personality, Flamingo, to take over with no memories of her life as Gwen. Eventually she pieces things together and does a lot of bad things including plans to kill the man (played by Christopher Lloyd) who wants to kill her, but before she can follow through with the plan; she wakes up from the fugue state. Again, with no knowledge of the events that lead her to sitting in a diner. Confused? Well, it's told in a creative way that keeps you wondering WTF is going on until the whole story is unraveled.
User 2 Review:
Very well rendered story of depressed single dad letting things slide. We follow the kids in white trash country sliding as well. The story kind of hold water but the writing is basic. The parts with Juliette are good. The dad seems to lack intelligence, as in below average. The boys view point story seems to make some sense, a bit lacking in intelligence as well though. As if they were all a bit lead-poisoned like in the past millenium. It is a bit of a tough time at the movie. When I saw the gun, I was expecting a shoot ou finale but it did not go that far.
User 3 Review:
Not quite as captivating as it wants to be, director Kat Candler's film Hellion succeeds in highlighting the performances of its stars, but fails to keep the story feeling fresh throughout. Most of this film feels like its retreading ground that other, stronger films have covered. Aaron Paul and newcomer Josh Wiggins carry the cast and really have some great moments between the two of them, but the film devolves into chaos as it throws more over the top twists at our characters. I really appreciated how slow and subtle the film was at first, and I hated how quickly it became a plot heavy and contrivance reliant film. It could have been better, but that's not to say that it was bad.
Posted on: January 3rd, 2015
Posted by: king