Tekken Kazuya’s Revenge (2014) 720p & 1080p Bluray Free Download
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This is Tekken Kazuya\'s Revenge (2014) Free Download Page. This page contains Tekken Kazuya\'s Revenge (2014) Free Movie Link, Tekken Kazuya\'s Revenge (2014) Full Movie Online, Tekken Kazuya\'s Revenge (2014) Watch Online HD, Tekken Kazuya\'s Revenge (2014) Full Movie Free Download in HD, Tekken Kazuya\'s Revenge (2014) Movie Download Google Drive. You can free download Tekken Kazuya\'s Revenge (2014) by direct link Or Watch Online for Free. Enjoy Tekken Kazuya\'s Revenge (2014) HD Movie Free Download.
User 1 Review:
If you're not a fan of game-based movies, and if you're not a fan of fighting games-based movies this movie is not for you. Having said that - if you're not a fan of movie with 3 action scenes and a lot of flashbacks and character development - this movie is not for you. This is a great movie if you're fan of any types of movies mentioned above and you have hour and a half to kill. This movie won't entertain you, but it will give you a somewhat good story that is boring to follow most of the time. 4 stars for creativity, scenery, and Tekken title.
User 2 Review:
Top 3 worst movies I have ever seen. Right up there with Razor Blade Smile, and RBS had vampires fighting with guns on a tennis court in daylight... Tekken 2 had about 20 minutes worth of slow motion walking, 20 minutes of poorly orchestrated fights, and zero revenge. Unless you count Heihachi's revenge... and that was pretty lame. This movie felt like a very cheap adaptation for a TV pilot. It would not have gone to series. If you enjoyed the first Tekken film, pass on this and savor the memory of the first. I was really hoping to enjoy this, with a cast this talented you can only blame the writers and production staff.
User 3 Review:
La primera cinta de Tekken a pesar de ser muy regular lograba funcionar por ciertos aspectos, si bien no era 100% fiel al juego, era entretenida. Sin embargo ésta precuela logra deshacerse de los puntos rescatables de la cinta del 2009. Las actuaciones pasan con más penas que glorias, el guión es bastante mediocre, y aunque la película no tiene una gran duración, el tiempo que dura es realmente aburrido. La mayor parte de los personajes son sacados de no sé donde diablos, y resultan igual de interesantes que mirar un pedazo de cartón. En resumen: Tekken: Kazuya's Revenge es algo que no debió existir...
Posted on: January 18th, 2015
Posted by: king