A Clockwork Orange (1971)
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Few films are as sensational or infamous as Stanley Kubrick’s “A Clockwork Orange”. It’s impossible to sit through ACO and not have a reaction; whether it be shock, disgust or amazement. The savage tale of a brutal young droog and his subsequent “reformation” by the government is as shocking and thought-provoking as ever. While the film’s depictions of violence and sex are what it’s most known for, ACO works on far deeper levels. The disturbing portrayal of youth and its satirical depiction of a government’s attempts to create a better society are brilliant, but the most fascinating aspect of ACO is the questions it poses about good and evil. While the crimes Alex commits at the beginning of the film are atrocious, what the government does to him is worse. The film presents the absolute worst aspects of man, but shows that even these are still favorable to a man without the choice. People can denounce the film because of its brutal content, but the importance of the questions it poses can’t be denied. Equally excellent to the film’s content is the effort by the crew. Kubrick’s perfectionism pays off well, as ACO in one of his most visually striking films. Malcolm MacDowell is nothing short of amazing as Alex. Kubrick’s use of surreal imagery and set pieces, as well as the ingenious use of music to compliment the on-screen action, creates a world that perfectly reflects the protagonist’s behavior and the government’s policies. A Clockwork Orange is by no means an easy film to get through, as many will be turned off by the scenes of violence and rape. But this masterpiece is far more complex than a simple romp through a world of youthful violence. It’s a rare example of film-making that demands that the viewer actually think. Real horrorshow all around, Oh my brothers.
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User 1 Review:
A childhood favorite of mine. You don't even notice that it's 2 hours long. Not many family movies today are 2 hours long. "Pollyanna" is a great example of developing a family film and building on the plot. It feels complete and it's fun to watch. There's a great message and wonderful characters to love. Hayley Mills, a star of Disney films, is adorable and very opinionated. Richard Egan who plays Dr. Chilton is such a dashing fellow and fun to just look at. Everyone fits right into their characters. Everything feels natural and not rushed and forced. They should make movies like this again.
User 2 Review:
This film is led by lots of strong women. I enjoyed the scenes with Alexandra Roach as young Margaret and Harry Lloyd as young Denis. Meryl Streep and Jim Broadbent are, of course, stunning as the mature couple. This isn't meant to be a history lesson. Instead I connected to the story because I have done some work with a non-profit serving people with forms of dementia and their families. Also my wife's grandma repeatedly said that she thought her husband was still present with her after he passed. The central thread of the story takes place near the end of Margaret Thatchers life with many flashbacks. Meryl Streep and the creative team have gotten a lot right in portraying what brain disease is like. Dementia does not discriminate between class or social/political power. This is a great snapshot of a contemporary political life.
User 3 Review:
Meryl Streep displays her strength as an actress in this portrayal of Margaret Thatcher's life and decline in later life. Released before the 'Iron Lady' passed, the feature focuses primarily on Thatcher's internal struggles. Though admittedly the plot does portray a 'right wing dream' to some extent, Meryl Streep plays the role phenomenally, and delivers a truly touching performance as she depicts Thatcher struggling to come to terms with her life whilst interacting with apparitions of her deceased husband Dennis. The film progresses extremely smoothly.Understandably, this won't be everyone's proverbial cup of tea - especially those who already hold strong animosity towards Thatcher. But the quality of Streep's performance is alone enough reason to justify watching this feature. Critics have focussed too much on the political quarrels with this film, and generally have failed to bestow on Streep the praise she deserves.
Posted on: September 12th, 2016
Posted by: spiderman