Every Day in Kaimuki (2022)
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Saw this back at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival.Every Day in Kaimuki is directed by Alika Tengan and it’s about an young man is determined to give his life meaning outside of Kaimuki, the small Hawaiian town where he grew up, even if it means leaving everything he’s ever known and loved behind. While it is beautifully shot throughout, the movie puts it’s audience to observe in an uninteresting character and may potentially put the audience to sleep. There are many nice shots of the Hawaiian landscape and interesting production choices presented. Some really good colors and lights demonstrated in this movie. Although certain scenes were way too dark to see. I am not sure if this is suppose to be a movie or documentary. Or either both Doc Drama kind of movie. It’s really unclear what the movie is trying to go for.All the performances aren’t terrible but they aren’t great as well. Some felt like they have no direction given and just were told to just act for the camera while some were trying their best to seem realistic but falls flat. The main character isn’t interesting and sometimes comes off arrogant which I don’t think the filmmaker is going for that kind of direction. The music choices were alright but even for a very short run time, it still felt like it was longer then that.What does the movie want to observe? Is it trying to be more profound? Is it wanting to discuss deeper emotions of the human mind? Or is it trying to be an experience about moving on? I assume that the movie has some of these themes involved but it didn’t do much to offer. Narrative wise is really basic as you can predict everything that is going to happen from the beginning all the way to the end. At the end of day, Tengan displays talent but the creative vibrancy lays low, as if it is waiting for something happen. Like a good pineapple pizza.Rating: CUpdate: On April 20, 2022, I gave this movie a second watch at the 2022 Atlanta Film Festival. I’m starting to understand a little more what the movie wants to be. It’s a narrative purpose about moving on and having to experience the upcoming future that you aren’t able to tell what is coming. But I still have didn’t like it so my rating is still the same.
Posted on: January 23rd, 2023
Posted by: shadow