Captain Black (2017)
Free Download and Watch Online 720p/1080p Bluray Full Movie HD
I was expecting the standard action hero garbage, and was watching this with pretty low expectations. This is way more mature, and even though there is a young kid and also a young girl in the movie, the story revolved around the adults, which was a nice change from the standard action movies. This page has captain black 2017, watch online, captain black 2017 free download, full movie hd.
Although some of the characters really did not seem to serve much purpose, they were ok as background characters and made the main character more real. Older viewers would probably enjoy this movie more than teenagers, as it does deal with a rather complex situation that is not really seen in other superhero movies. Filmxy has Captain Black (2017) Online Full Movie, Captain Black (2017) free download HD Bluray 720p 1080p with English subtitle. Stars: Jeffrey Johnson, Linara Washington, Georgia Norman.
This movie is pushing some weird point of view, it was not made to entertain. Ok, spoilers, dont read below if you want to see this nonsense. Guy who is not into comic books finds one, repeats dumb phrase main char from comic says, which is utter nonsense (“Be your own friend”, yeah, because apparently nobody else wants to be your friend), dresses up like that char for a party, bangs a 17 year old dressed like that comic chars sidekick. Then it just gets downhill from there. Ends with him most likely going to prison for dumbest things I’ve ever seen in any movie.
Friendly advice: If you banged some chick at a party, and you find out she was 17, dont go talk to her when she is with her parents in restaurant you work at. And if someone is in abusive relationship, and they stay in it, you beating up person is never going to make things better, just land you in prison. Stay out of other peoples business.
I guess film is what white knights dream they do, I dont know, it was just plain dumb film I could have been fine without ever hearing about. If you want to see what a really solid take on a man whose life breaks down looks like watch Falling Down instead. At least that film had a decent point to it. This one does not.
Posted on: July 18th, 2019
Posted by: king