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This is 22 Jump Street (2014) Free Download Page. This page contains 22 Jump Street (2014) Free Movie Link, 22 Jump Street (2014) Full Movie Online, 22 Jump Street (2014) Watch Online HD, 22 Jump Street (2014) Full Movie Free Download in HD, 22 Jump Street (2014) Movie Download Google Drive. You can free download 22 Jump Street (2014) by direct link Or Watch Online for Free. Enjoy 22 Jump Street (2014) HD Movie Free Download.
User 1 Review:
22 Jump street knows it's just a cash grab sequel, which is nice. But although its self aware it still suffers from a lot of the same problems most sequels have like having practically the same plot and characters. If you've seen 21 Jump street there really isn't much reason to watch the sequel. However unlike most sequels 22 Jump Street still remains funny and entertaining. Also it has one of the funniest end credits scene ever. 22 Jump street is noticeably worse than its predecessor but it still is a good movie.
User 2 Review:
A transparently copycat sequel so aware of this fact that it's never afraid to outright admit it, 22 Jump Street was even funnier than its predecessor, though not necessarily better in terms of storyline or composition. Hill & Tatum still share fantastic chemistry and produce most of the films biggest laughs through their awkward and personality-clashing banter. The moments where it tries to be sentimental don't gel with its cruder humour, and many of the clearly improvised routines go on for too long, killing the pacing of the scenes they're in. To review this movie is to say more or less what you would say in a review of the first one. It's not for everyone, and it might occasionally be too juvenile and sophomoric for its own good, but the laughs are frequent and genuine, the characters still likable, and the fact that its sets up for a possible sequel, which now looks to be a Men In Black crossover somehow, gets me excited to see where they plan to go from here.
User 3 Review:
Just as funny as the first one and maybe a little bit more, this movie succesfully achieved its purpose: to be entertaining. It doesn't have the smartest of plots, but the meta humor is great, the leads continue to have a good chemistry, some jokes are really funny (Ice Cube does an amazing job as the chief) and the villain was such a pleasant surprise. Special mention to the Dave Franco cameo, which was hilarious.
Posted on: October 22nd, 2014
Posted by: king