User 1 Review:
'13 Sins' has enough suspense to keep your adrenaline pumping during its 3rd act, and Mark Webber gets invested into his performance as Elliot. I could say less about Devin Graye, who plays his mentally unstable brother, Michael, who comes off as a guy who is trying, but not hard enough. Another flaw I will write down is that its whole structure gets confusing at times. I still give points for its concept which feels like one of those thought-provoking, What-Would-You-Do concept which has been done before in 'Saw', and the 'Quitters Inc.' story of 'Stephen King's Cat's Eye'.
User 2 Review:
This movie, while a bit cheesy, was fairly enjoyable. It did seem to run on with no real purpose and a lot of the "sins" were not horrific at all, and the acting seemed a bit over the top. There was no real characterization either. It seemed a bit empty and unfilled out as a story, a bit incomplete. There was very little tension because of the lack of characterization or plot. All in all, it was efficient, had a somewhat expected twist. It was enjoyable, but totally unremarkable.
User 3 Review:
I had heard of this since it played in the midnight section of several film festivals, plus it seemed like an intriguing premise, kinda similar to cheap thrills, id say this lived up to my expectations, very fast paced and engaging throughout, and weber is likable/believable in the lead, you never quite know where it's gonna go, and i didnt see the final revelations coming, i will say the very very end i wasnt a huge fan of, but not enough to prevent me from liking it, i hope to see more from th director
Posted on: September 15th, 2014
Posted by: filmxy